About Japan

Why Study In Japan?

Japan is the third largest economy of the world, glory of discoveries of cutting-edge technology with diverse landscape, loaded nature and beautiful seasons. It is an island nation of East Asia; its democracy is stable compared to other world economies. It consists of approx 120 million people with half per capita of G7 citizens. Japan universities have world class research facilities. It has hub of cultural powerhouse that introduces exported technology culture and more around the world. With the globalization scheme, Japanese government encourages to accept more foreign students for higher education in Japan. The tuition and living expenses are considerably more affordable than other countries. Foreign students not only can learn Japanese language but also can learn about the culture, tradition and high technology of Japan. The encouraging academic environment, top notch infrastructure, and top-quality education and institutions captivate students from worldwide.

Here are some points to show how Japan is suitable for study:

  • Study in Japan will prepare you for a future career in global business.
  • Japanese language study can build a strong foundation for graduate work in a range of fields.
  • You will have the opportunity to study away or work in Japan.
  • Studying in the Japan helped students not only to improve Japanese skills but also to become more of a global citizen.
  • The Japanese curriculum is closely integrated with the study of Asia.
  • Tuition fees at Japanese universities are significantly less than many other countries.
  • Japanese expertise in engineering, design and technology is well known. Japan is a global leader in several niche fields from engineering, robotics and life science to astronautics and oceanography.
  • Rich culture with Mix of tradition and cutting edge technology; old and new; East and West; natural and artificial (animation).


Language Class Requirements

Before applying to study in Japan, you need to study Japanese language here in Nepal.

For +2 passed students, it is mandatory to pass the N5 level of Japanese language test. N5 level is basic level of Japanese language. Normally you can pass the N5 level, if you study with us minimum 3 months to 6 months with Connection Study Center
For Bachelor and Masters level passed students, N5 level is not mandatory for application but you should study very seriously for you better life while entering into Japan.
Japanese Language Proficiency Test-JLPT

The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test , or JLPT, is an internationally known standardized test to assess and confirm Japanese language proficiency for non-native speakers. The JLPT in Japan is managed and supervised by the Ministry of Education through the Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES). Abroad, the Japan Foundation co-proctors test administration with local cultural exchange and educational institutions, or with committees particularly set up for this purpose. Anyone can sit for the JLPT. There is no age limit for this test.

The JLPT encompasses five levels wherein N1 is the highest level while N5 is the lowest level. The levels are:

  • Level N1:Refers to the ability to comprehend Japanese language used in a diversity of conditions.
  • Level N2: Indicates the competency to comprehend the Japanese used in the daily circumstances, and other conditions.
  • Level N3:Indicates the competency to comprehend the Japanese used in the daily circumstances to a particular level.
  • Level N4:Indicates the ability to comprehend the basic Japanese.
  • Level N5:Indicates the competency to comprehend some rudimentary Japanese.